Staying Focused Under Pressure
Feeling stress or anxiety during performance is normal. We all experience it. But when it prevents you from performing at your best, there are steps you can take to make sure you stay focused on what’s in your control.
First, ask yourself:
What does my stress/anxiety look and feel like?
Is it all in my mind or are there physical symptoms as well?
Where is the pressure I feel coming from?
Is it pressure I’m putting on myself or is it coming from elsewhere?
Once you start to identify the sources of the pressure you feel and how it manifests, keep these helpful tips in mind.
Focus on the task at hand rather than the outcome.
Take it one point at a time, one shot at a time, one breath at a time. Stay in the present moment.
Smile. Seriously. Force it if you have to!
Remember that you are out there because you love what you do, have fun doing it, and are grateful for the opportunity.
Recognize that nerves and feeling pressure are normal.
Use it as a source of energy and a sign that you are ready to play rather than a sign that you’re not up to the task.
Focus on what is IN YOUR CONTROL.
This helps you block out distractions, stick to staying in the moment, and let go of what you can’t control.
Expect to make mistakes.
Sounds crazy, but mistakes will happen. And when they do, we already knew they were coming and can learn from them rather than dwell on them. This allows us to FOCUS FORWARD.
Be flexible and adaptive.
In practice, in competition, and in life. Consistency is important, but be open to using plan B if and when necessary.
Take some deep circle breaths and get yourself back into the right focus, mindset, and energy level. You CAN do this!
Trust me, I get it. I feel pressure too - both athletically and in life. I’ve found that most of the time it’s self-inflicted, and once I start to deep dive into why I’m feeling pressure and where it’s coming from, I’m able to get a grasp on it and not let it affect me as much.
Take a second and reflect on your experience with pressure. Grab a journal and see if you can identify what your triggers are and where the pressure you feel is coming from.
I’m confident I can help you formulate a game plan you can utilize in the future to help you cope with pressure. There’s no time like the present - let’s connect and get started!