When we have negative thoughts, now matter the subject or the cause, they have the ability to take off, and often do! We let them fester, making us think they are real, and as a result we give them wings! Before we know it, there are tons of negative thoughts flying around and taking up space in our minds.

Pause is Power
Athletes, especially those in the public eye, feel a tremendous amount of pressure to perform up to the standards set for them, regardless of whether those standards are internal or external.

Emotional Management
Emotional management is a set of skills that allows us to understand, accept, cope with, express, and regulate our emotions, and react constructively to them. This is an important skill no matter what our endeavor or situation is.

Body Mindset
What does Body Mindset mean to you? When I think about what Body Mindset means to me, I think about the narrative I’ve seen in society since I was a kid about how our bodies are “supposed” to look. The term ‘body image’ represents how we think and feel about our own body. At times, we are also influenced by how others view our bodies; we think that what we see or what we’re told is what we’re supposed to be.

How To Series; Embrace a Growth Mindset
The attitude we experience during our most challenging days provides a good example of our everyday mindset. Babies are a great example of those with a growth mindset. Their days are filled with embracing new challenges, exploring via trial and error, and ample failures.

Hunt for the Good Stuff
It is an unfortunate part of human nature (in my opinion) that we tend to focus on the negative things first. The mistakes we made, the mess ups, the things we said that aren’t sitting well - we sometimes dwell on those things and let them linger. I’ve done this many times, and I can honestly say that very little benefit came from dwelling on them.

How To Series; Self-Care
Self-care is a conscious act we can engage in to promote our own mental, physical, and emotional well being. Self-care has become such a hot topic in recent years, and for a good reason - we should all be making self-care a priority! In order to be our best when our best is needed, it’s important that we’ve taken care of ourselves so that our best is available.

My Parents Don't Understand Me
One of the challenges is that youth/teenagers don’t yet understand themselves, so it can become hard for them to articulate what they are experiencing or for you to know how to empathize with them. It can feel a little like riding on a roller coaster at times.

Coaching from the Stands
The point of youth sports is for your child to grow, be challenged, learn from mistakes, improve, develop a lifelong love for sport, and most importantly, have fun. Winning is a by-product of all those things. It’s not that winning is less important, it’s that winning is not the only thing that sports are about.

Be Where Your Feet Are
Be Where Your Feet Are is a simple phrase that is a favorite of mine, and one I use with clients regularly. Your feet quite literally can only be in the present moment, not in the past or future.

Changing How We Talk To Our Youth
Our youth are still figuring out their self-esteem and how to think about their experiences. They are primarily emotion focused, and therefore it is our job as parents, guardians, and coaches to model how they can think about their performances. Facilitating healthy performance reflection in their youth years will set them up for healthy performance reflection throughout their lives.

The Relationship Between Frustration and Effort
There is a direct relationship between frustration and effort. When someone gets frustrated with something, they appraise whether or not their continued effort is worth it. Therefore, when one becomes frustrated and appraises the situation to be not worth their time or effort, they might make the choice to decrease their effort and as a result their performance also decreases.

What To Say On The Ride To The Game
In your mind, this may seem like a great time to talk to your youngster about strategy, tactics, and how they can contribute to the game, but oftentimes what they hear are the expectations you have of them and the pressure being placed on them to perform well from your perspective. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to talk to your kids about their games. But there is a time and place, and some do’s and don'ts, as well.

Mentally Train for Your Next Challenge
Most of the world’s best didn't get to the top by luck. It took many years of hard work, preparation, commitment, and focus. It took working on both the mental side of performance and the physical, technical, and tactical. It took sacrifice, vision, resilience, grit, and purpose.

A Runner’s Inner Voice
I learned to talk back to my inner voice. All this time, I had believed what my inner voice said - slow down, this sucks, I need to stop. But why? I knew I was capable of more and to achieve more I had to control my inner voice.

Staying Focused Under Pressure
Feeling anxiety during performance is normal. We all experience it. But when it prevents you from performing at your best, there are steps you can take to make sure you stay focused on what’s in your control.

Mind over Matter
As we started up, I quickly realized that I would be challenged in ways I hadn’t experienced before. This is where Mind Over Matter came into play for me, and why it’s relevant to having a Fit Mind. I thought I had a tough mindset, but soon realized on this hike that there’s always room for growth.

Positivity Can Be Exhausting
Is positivity important? Without a doubt! It is the foundation that will take you to where you want to go and who you want to be. Positivity is a choice, and there are positive take-a-ways from every situation.