How To Series; Self-Care
Hi! Welcome to the MFP How To series...where we’ll talk about a skill or concept and how you can use it in your everyday life.
Today, I’ll be sharing how to start building your self-care routine.
Self-care is a conscious act we can engage in to promote our own mental, physical, and emotional well being. Self-care has become such a hot topic in recent years, and for a good reason - we should all be making self-care a priority! In order to be our best when our best is needed, it’s important that we’ve taken care of ourselves so that our best is available.
You may already have your go to self-care methods, and if so, great! I’d like to share a few of my favorites as well.
Sleep. I like to go to bed early AND sleep in. Yes, I know that is rare! But what I’ve learned about myself is that it’s important that I get enough sleep in order to feel renewed, refreshed, and able to perform the tasks on my list. Not only is a good night’s sleep a preference of mine, research also supports the benefits of a good nights’ sleep in our overall mental health. So if sleep is not a current priority for you, it’s time to make it one.
Exercise. As an athlete, I’ve learned to love exercise, and it’s an important part of my regular routine. No matter your exercise of choice - walk, jog, hike, climb, swim, dance - research confirms that finding even just a few minutes a day or week can make a big difference in how you feel, both physically and mentally.
Mindfulness. Can you challenge yourself for a minimum of 5 minutes a day to just be; no phones, no tv, no music - just you in your space being you? Research suggests that practicing mindfulness can improve mental and physical health, reduce stress, and increase happiness. I try to do this once a day, and I’ve found it’s become one of the times I look forward to the most. It’s time to invest in yourself!
Spend Time With Loved Ones. We are busy, and I too find it challenging to make time to see my friends and family. But what I’ve learned is that it is crucial to my overall happiness and lower stress levels. Being surrounded by those I love most - friends, family, etc. - is what makes everything else more manageable. If friends and family time is not currently a priority, see what changes you can make to have more time with loved ones!
Own Your Emotions. I’ve learned what my emotional tendencies are, and I embrace them. Did that commercial make me tear up? Great, let it out. When I’m stressed, is my first instinct to feel overwhelmed and panicky? Great, feel it and then deal with it. It took me some time to get here, but I am now able to embrace my process rather than be embarrassed by it. I know what my tendencies are and embrace them. As a result I am able to move on from them in a healthier, more timely manner. So spend some time with yourself with the goal of learning and embracing your process - it will help you in the long run!
Now that I’ve shared a few of my go-tos, it’s a good time to talk about how you can develop your own self-care plan. Effective self-care plans should be tailored to your life and needs and have purpose, so customize it to your preferences! The following steps can be helpful:
Assess your needs. Make a list of all the parts of your life and all the activities you engage in on a daily basis: work, school, family, sports, relationships, volunteer work, coaching, teaching, etc.
Consider your stressors. After assessing your needs, identify any stressors, and what type (mental, physical, emotional), for each item. What are your triggers and tendencies?
Come up with self-care strategies. What do you already do that can helps? What can you add - such as time with loved ones, mindfulness, or exercise - that may help?
Plan for challenges. It might feel like a setback, but it’s just a speed bump. When you discover a challenge, have a plan ready to go so that speed bumps stay speed bumps.
Take it one step at a time. It’s unrealistic to tackle everything at once. Identify one small step as a starting point and go from there. If it becomes overwhelming, remember to focus on the literal next step you can take, and repeat as necessary
Schedule time to focus on your needs. Until it becomes a habit, it can be helpful to schedule self-care time and stick to it. If ‘life happens’, as the saying goes, try to find time to reschedule it so that self-care always remains a priority.
Remember, in order to be our best when our best is needed, it’s crucial we’ve taken care of ourselves so that our best is available. This is true no matter what the task at hand is. Make it a priority to target physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social self-care on a regular basis.
When you’re ready to embark on this journey, or need a little help along the way, I’m here for you. Together we can embrace self-care and conquer whatever is in front of us!